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Career Guidance Notes

VP & AQIEPT- Visual Perception and Analytical, Quantitative, Indian English Proficiency Test.


Architecture sketching Drawing test, Urban environment perception test (sketching at location)

Analytical, quantitative reasoning & Indian English proficiency test 

All Architectural positions require to undertake the VP & AQIEPT test; After evaluating the test scores, candidates will be allowed for the Interview.


urbansynthesis I Equal Opportunity, Diversity & Inclusion


urbansynthesis celebrates the multicultural, multi-ethnic, multilingual demographic of the Indian Social Democratic Republic and thereby committed to the principle of equal employment opportunity for all prospective candidates.

All employment opportunity/ies is based on business environment/needs job requirements, individual qualifications, and test scores; without regards to race, color, religion, belief, ethnic origin, age, disability, family or parental status. We believe in meritocracy and do not support cronyism; All aspiring candidates with skill, imagination, and professionalism will reach the highest level of the organization. 

Anti Lobbying Act

We do not lobby nor interfere with the institutions/bodies of democratic countries.

The Answers sheets will be the property of urbansynthesis and shall be retained for quality monitoring purposes. Suitable dates shall be allotted to prospective candidates based on their suitability.

VP & AQIEPT are paper-based tests.

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