Urban Design Guide
We have the expertise to prepare following Master planning guidance for the entire city and specific sites within the city such as:
Conservation areas
Heritage areas
Central Business districts
Mixed use districts
Industrial clusters and zones​
Climate change and cities
Sustainability and city design
Urban design guidelines for city elements
Urban design frameworks for specific areas of the city
Rural design framework
Development brief for sites within the city
Tall buildings guidelines and guidance: Tall buildings are buildings which are significantly taller in respect to other buildings. Due to its height, Tall buildings pose a challenge in the built environments. We offer advice and design to local authority and private developers on the design and broader issues associated with it.
Developmental and Municipal Authority Consultancy
As part of the consultancy services we have the expertise and knowledge of preparing Planning policies, master-planning guidelines, development related policies, guidelines and framework.Planning guidelines such as supplementary planning guidelines
Planning development: A development plan is an aspect of town and country planning comprising a set of documents that set out the local authority's policies and proposals for the development and use of land in their area. The development plan guides and informs day-to-day decisions.
A Comprehensive Plan: Which dictates public policy in terms of transportation, utilities, land use, recreation, and housing. It typically encompass large geographical areas and broad range of topics related to planning and human occupation.
Planning policy guidelines: We also help local government in preparation of policy documents for- Housing, Green belt,Development on Unstable Land Planning for Open Space, Sport and Recreation,Enforcing Planning Control,Outdoor Advertisement Control,Coastal Planning, Planning and Noise, Planning and historic environment.