The logo
The graphical mark signifies the firm's quest for unique, sculptural and organic forms across its designs. It's inspired by nature & living forms having multiple connotations and interpretations. Design at urbansynthesis is always dynamic and responsive to nature having a modern outlook.
The colors in the logo reflect urbansynthesis ethos.
Orange: Vibrant and energetic.
Blue: It’s nature’s color for water and sky.
Green: Green is universally associated with nature and symbolizes ecology and the environment.
Yellow: It’s the color of happiness and optimism, of enlightenment, creativity, sunshine, and spring.
The urbansynthesis ® word mark
Dwellings are an integral part of the urban setting. Any proposed built form has to be studied analyzed and integrated within the urban context. The Architectural process involves studying the Landscapes, cultural influences, climatic data, and statutory law referred to herein as (factors) before determining its form. Thus, the end product of design is an outcome of such factors achieved by the synthesis.
As our trade involves building design, master planning, landscape and design we therefore define ourselves as urbansynthesis.

urbansynthesis company logo

urbansynthesis company logo
Design by Vikram Bhat

The logo and the name urbansynthesis is trade marked and belongs to urbansynthesis company.